Much of the initial emphasis was placed on ensuring buildings were structurally sound and safe for visitors to walk on, in and around.
A heritage engineer was commissioned to provide reports on each of the buildings throughout the park and to provide recommendations on how best to care for each one.
Much of this work was set back following Cyclone Larry (March 2006). Several sections of the Park were damaged and required reassessing. New plans were drawn up and put into action.
Today, restoration work has been completed on the hydro electric generator and stability work (propping) has been completed on the high risk structures throughout the grounds.
As Paronella Park's main structures are viewed as "condemned buildings", work cannot take place on top of pre-existing work. To effectively restore these structures completely would require levelling, then rebuilding from scratch.
It is for this reason that an emphasis has been placed on preserving, as best we can, the existing work as it stands today.